Lightbulb Learning Center specializes in reading remediation.
Lightbulb Learning Center’s Mission
Lightbulb Learning Center is a Private Tutoring Practice - we serve students in grades K-6. The mission of Lightbulb Literacy is to provide high-quality personalized literacy instruction to developing, struggling, and/or reluctant readers to improve academic success both in and out of the classroom. Lightbulb Literacy uses a multi-sensory, structured literacy approach to strengthen and empower students while building confident lifelong readers.
We offer 1:1 and small group instruction. We will also have a variety of skill-based workshops and drop-in classes. We offer both in-person and virtual services. To learn more about how Lightbulb Literacy can service your child, book a consultation call.
How it works:
We require all prospective clients to first have an informal consultation call. This call is about 20 minutes. During this call, we get the opportunity to get to know you and the concerns and/or academic goals of your young learner. We answer any questions you may have regarding our literacy frameworks, session procedures, etc. We share our Lightbulb Literacy Framework and pricing model. Following our call, we send you a link to book your Lightbulb Literacy Diagnostic Assessment to confirm your first 8 sessions.
We use a battery of assessment to determine your young learner's level of phonemic/phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary development and comprehension. We then use this data to develop a literacy treatment plan (academic forecast) based on the next 12 or 16 weeks.
Upon the completion of the Lightbulb Literacy Diagnostic Assessment and the development of the Literacy Treatment Plan, we share our report and projected plan for instruction. This can be done via a telemeeting (Zoom) or a recorded version of this can be emailed to you. We also provide you with with a written report and treatment plan.
Following our Assessment Report Meeting, you will have the opportunity to schedule your next eight sessions. We typically schedule sessions for the same day and time weekly - this is called a standing appointment. If for any reason you have to reschedule a meeting, directions for doing so can be found in your contract.
About our assessments
Lightbulb Learning Center uses a combination of diagnostic assessments to assess specific skills or components of reading in each of the five following areas of literacy: vocabulary, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension. We use the results from these assessments to inform our instruction and intervention. Following each diagnostic assessment, we develop a literacy treatment plan, highlighting the specific skills and areas of study for the next 12-16 weeks.
We continue to monitor student progress with a series of formative assessments throughout the next 12-16 weeks. We use these ongoing assessments to make sure we are meeting our instructional goals and supporting student learning- we make instructional modifications as necessary according to the data. A mid-term diagnostic assessment is administered every 12-16 weeks. A treatment plan is provided after every diagnostic assessment.
Diagnostic Assessment
We use a battery of assessments to determine your young learner's level of phonemic/phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, and comprehension. We then use this data to develop a literacy treatment plan (academic forecast) based on the next 12 or 16 weeks.
Lightbulb Literacy uses a comprehensive K-12 assessment system that supports Response to Intervention (RTI) and tiered instruction.
1:1 Private Tutoring
We offer 1:1 and small group instruction. The Lightbulb Literacy Framework is grounded in a multi-sensory, structured literacy approach. Our lessons are explicit/direct, systematic and cumulative, and diagnostic. We offer three main courses of study - these levels are grounded in the primary concepts for reading and reading comprehension fluency. Our mission is to provide literacy instruction that will encourage and support a lifelong love for reading.
Skill-based Workshops
$199 -249
We offer a variety of skill-based workshops and drop-in classes. A schedule of available classes can be found here.
Grab your free spelling assessment.
Your free spelling assessment is a quick screener to help get an idea of what your child knows and/or may have a tough time with when it comes to basic phonics. If you are concerned with your child’s reading, this is a great starting point. Give your child this quick spelling test and then review our next steps. We also provide resources and activities for you to use based on the results.